We are back in America with our potty training motivational tips. Here are some strategies and motivational tips for potty training success. Our potty trainee is usually a toddler with his own mind, likes and dislikes. With toddlers, one has to guide them with positive motivation. One way of doing this is with incentives or rewards that boost their willingness to learn new things while also building up their self esteem.

Motivational Tips

Here are some “motivational encouragements” that may help your child down the road of potty independence.

1. Sticker chart

After each successful trip to the potty, he can put his favorite colorful sticker on it.

Let your child draw a picture of his successful trip to the potty or make his favorite picture and you can write words on it like “good job” ‘great” “wow”.etc.

3. Scrapbook

Make a story about his potty training adventure and let him glue his pictures or decorative awards for potty success in it.

Put some of your child’s favorite things, inexpensive little toys, books, and let him pick out a surprise gift when he does well the whole day with his potty training.

5.”Big kid’s pants”

Let him pick out his own training underwear to use during his potty training adventure. If he likes them, he will try to do what he needs to do to wear them.

Remember letting your child participate in his potty training plan by giving him choices and encouragement, makes potty training something he wants to accomplish, too.  These “motivational encouragements” give him something to measure his progress with on his way to being potty independent.

What do you use to motivate your toddler during potty training? Let us know in the comments.

Please share this post and tips to help other parents with potty training.

Potty Training Essentials for your potty training needs.

By Delois

I am a baby-boomer and experienced mother of four, all adults now. I enjoy sharing parenting tips that may help newbie parents facing challenges with their new "little charges."

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