How to Start Potty Training
Potty training is a major developmental task for your child. The key to success is good, reliable information from parents with experience, patience and observation on your part to adjust and adapt your approach for your individual child. You may even find that what worked for one of your children may not work for the others. Get the facts on timing, potty training techniques and coping with the inevitable accidents.
Is It Time?
Potty-training success depends upon physical and emotional readiness of your child and not a set age. Many children are curious about using the bathroom on their own around age 2. The “I can do it.” stage. This is when the toddler of 2 is trying out his new found independence because he is able to do some things on his own. Some children may not be ready until age 2 1/2 or even older — and that’s ok. If you start potty training too early, it might take longer to train your child.
Is He Ready?
Ask yourself these questions:
Does your child seem interested in using the toilet like the mommy or daddy?
Is he interest in wearing underwear?
Can your child understand and follow basic directions?
Can your child tell you through words, facial expressions or posture that needs to use the bathroom?
Does your child stay dry for periods of two hours or longer during the day?
Does your child dislike being wet or soiled in his diapers?
Can your child pull down his or her pants and pull them up again?
Can your child sit on and get off a potty chair?
If you answered yes to most of these questions, your child may be ready for potty training. If you answered mostly no, you might want to wait awhile.
The Key to Success
The key to success is patience and observation. Watch your child during the potty training process and see what seems to work best for him. You can also use guides from other successful parents for potty training but remember each child is different and you may have to adapt and tweek your approach for your child.
A great resource for techniques to potty train your child can be found in this helpful, informative guide by mother and successful day care owner Click Here!